Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Word of the Lord for 2014 - Facing the End


What is there to fear?  Much if you are insecure in your relationship with God.  Even when we are secure, there are twinges of pain when we think of things and people we have known coming to the end. Even our own end.  Father God doesn’t want us ignorant and fearful.  “Fear NOT” He says.  I offer a perspective that may help many overcome the fear of the end.
I have been hearing from the Lord the last few weeks that has brought me to the point where I will now tell you what is happening prophetically.  The fact that it comes at the end of the year may not be accidental.

    To be clear, none of what I am about to reveal has anything to do at all with end times. Almost all of what has been written and preached the last hundred or so years about the end times is wrong.

    I could give you all kinds of Biblical evidence and historical back up, but for those who are questioning there are notes at the end of this word to help you understand why this prophetic utterance is about the end times.  We all will face an end.  This is about that.    
Facing the end of what we have been living

Prophetic History is never linear. It is circular. Where we are on the great wheel of history helps us understand the past present and future. The Jewish mind in the time of the ancient writings saw history as a cycle. Our western linear thinking makes us think that things must be future based, they are, but they are simply repeats of what has been. That's why scripture is so helpful to understand the times and seasons. There are events that foretell where things are on the great cycle. One thing is certain; Israel, spiritual and natural (Chosen People) is a key in understanding the benchmarks prophetically. It is a conundrum. God's plan shoots like an arrow thru history, yet the cycle is how we grasp eternal truths. It's a convergence of eternal truth and humanities propensity to fall. Pagan peoples always embraced the cycle. Too many Christians have ignored the cycle and only embraced the arrow which points to an end time, a final conflict, a rapture, an event culminating in the coming of the Lord. It's a difficult thing to reconcile the human mind's incapacity to grasp eternity... yet to see the future history you must.

Here's what the Lord has shown prophetically in light of these things:

We are going to go descend further in our global culture. Life will become less and less valuable to the culture at large. Killing people for "reason" (sick, in the womb, mentally challenged, old, impaired, insanity or racially different) will become acceptable.
The attack on the family will grow driven by a demon that embraces homosexuality, destruction of all marriage, sexual insanity and the resultant children of those "families" will become change agents for the worse. This will be promoted by the False Prophet (the cultural spirit embodied by media and entertainment)

Wars not yet imagined will break out as things change. Some will become severe. They will be racial, cultural (yes the cold civil war will become hot) and international as countries attempt to stop what they see as danger by imposing war against a source of the danger as they see it. It will happen as certain countries begin to see the USA (or any other nation) as a danger along the lines of how we saw Iraq after 2001. We went to war because we thought there were WMD's in an unstable nation. That license to conduct a preemptive war is now about to be exercised by other countries and if the USA becomes more unstable than it is today, we will see those nations attack the USA preemptively.

The imagined alliances in the world will dissolve under these attacks. Any illusion that France, Germany or England will come to our aid under such an attack is fantasy. There are no global militaries to stand down a China or Russia who sees the USA as a global danger and takes direct action against her.
As things deteriorate, there will be attempts again and again to take control of other dangerous nations as a precursor. Mexico is one such by its continued lawlessness and corruption (there are small signs there may be progress in this area) stands vulnerable to invasion. IF a nation with a huge military were to move against Mexico (see Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela) supported by a Russian or Chinese Army and all it's might in a 3 pronged attack, do you imagine our government in its weakened condition trying to defend such action? Mexico would fall. I see this coming to a head.

This is not to be feared, it is the wars and rumors that are always with us and will be again. They are threatenings. God may in his mercy judge those but the real judgment is the heeding to the false prophet of the Beast that has brought us to this point. The apex that was the USA a generation ago that knew God now has become a nadir to a generation that has forgotten who God is. That cycle has been part of humanity since Joseph in Egypt. It is again.

God hasn't forgotten us, he wants us to be aware of what our decline and degradation has cost us. How the decisions we made over the last 50 years have brought us to this point. Even mentioning the reasoning of God as he says to us, "Let us reason together" is an offense to the false prophet.

We can only pray and act to have a real impact on a culture and society that no longer knows God. Joseph arise! God have Mercy 

Facing the End with Optimism

The time of this trouble in our world will be global. The high will be brought low.  This will appear to be a good thing for those who are low and feel like the high and mighty deserve this.  The problem is the low will be brought lower and many will not survive this time.  This is not the great tribulation, it is A great tribulation.  It comes as a curse on those nations who have substantially abandoned God and turned to their own ways.  Judgment was always declared on nations, but people in nations suffered.  "All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; Matthew 25:32

There  is going be a complete economic reset in the nations, particularly harsh among those nations who have tried to game the global economic system to sustain unstainables mostly in western countries.  This will mean the collapse of currencies.  This will mean warfare intranationally (civil war) as services collapse.  It will start slowly; Detroit was considered a black swan.  That destiny waits for many cities, states and nations. Prophets have declared in the past that Detroit would be a pattern for the nation.  Many spiritual leaders didn't think it would be like this.  Other cities will collapse, then states and eventually the whole nation.  Once one large western nation collapses, other economic dominoes will follow; one at a time.  That will create the chaos that neutralizes the supposed power of a one world currency.

People will form these smaller subcultures.  Skill will once again become the currency of exchange.  I will do for you as you do for me.  Exchange will be conducted with hand written IOUs in small community groups.  Those who have nothing to offer (skill), those who cannot contribute in these small sustaining subcultures will die.  Man's fallen nature will not support one another in a godless society.  Give to get.  Dog eat dog.

In addition to this the constancy of violent global weather conditions, not unusual, just constant will result in unmet needs in nations.  When earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, epidemics, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, landslides and a hundred other killer events after a global economic collapse (I promise one is coming) there will be no response.  There will be no one left to respond. People will perish.  There will be much death and destruction from this.  There is hope however and it bear the signs of rebirth.  Read on.

All this seems like doom and gloom and the end of all things.  It's not, its birth pangs as the Kingdom of God is advancing.  Those who look to these events as the end of the world aren't looking the optimistic future I see.  BUT, you might say, "Doesn’t seem very optimistic to me".  NO, if we depend on our leadership, our government or a corrupt world economic system, we have good reasons for pessimism.  There is no cause for optimism as long as two altars are in every home, city, church, state and nation.  One allegedly to the God of our Fathers and one to the Beast supported by the false prophet.  We have that now. There are two altars in many churches, Baal and God.  One of prosperity and fertility (Baal) and one of God (Trusting HIM for provision and protection).  It's time for one of them to be torn down.

The result of Baal worship is that those who support it become dog food.  Jezebel and Ahab was a type of this religious system of government with false prophets who supported this evil government and economic bondage system (as is being formed right now in the USA).  The worship of Baal was for the purpose of assuring prosperity. That's the antichrist system we have in effect today.   You don't have to look for the antichrist spirit; he is in the news every day.  You don't have to wonder what religious governmental combine is supported by this.  It's global.  It's a strange combination of the false prophet encouraging tolerance by imposing intolerance.  Islam is one such, but as John the Apostle said, the antichrist is already in the world and there are many antichrists.  When you see a false worship based on peace and prosperity wrapped up in government and supported by media with a degraded culture (as seen on TV and it's not Sham Wow) you see the beginning of the day when it must all be thrown down by the Eunuchs and consumed by the dogs. THROW HER DOWN.

Don't fear this, there will be places of refuge, but they won't be predictable.  They will happen as the Holy Spirit manifests Christ among us.  Many places will remain in deep darkness, but the Holy Spirit will brood above the deep darkness and bring light at His Word.
This will result in the greatest awakening the world has ever known, even in Israel as a sign and a wonder.  Jesus will be manifested even greater than we have ever known.  Nealy all churches as we have known them will dissolve. Our focus on some supposed future event will be discarded for the realization that here and now is the fullness of the Presence of Christ.  In the natural tragedies of flood and famine there will be supernatural events that point to the true and living God. Manna, Healing, Wholeness, Provision.  It is that happening at the hands of Holy Ghost empowered witnesses (not witnessing, being witnesses) demonstrating deliverance to the nations.

This will require sacrificing all the priests of Baal in our lives.  No more can we be of two opinions.  Now only one.  Our God is one.... and HE IS ABLE
Facing the end WITHOUT FEAR

In the beginning of this I said there are deep long cycles.  Even with a destiny for all of us we are operating in patterns easily recognized from the Word of God.  One thing is certain; God will take judgment on the evil of rebellion - Its witchcraft to him.  He will strip away everything that violates the first and second commandments (Thou shalt have no other gods & No graven images or likenesses) until the only thing left is HIM.  He has always done this.  He allows rebellion to run its course until he pulls back hard. Just reading the book of Ezekiel chapter 7 and you can see clearly the pattern.  Gold thrown in the street. Money fails.  Rebellion results in desolation.  It happened before and in rebellion will happen again and again:
Ezekiel 7:10b-22 The rod has budded
Arrogance has blossomed! 11Violence has arisen a rod to punish the wicked. None of the people will be left, none of that crowd— none of their wealth, nothing of value. 12The time has come! The day has arrived! Let not the buyer rejoice nor the seller grieve, for my wrath is on the whole crowd. 13The seller will not recover the property that was sold— as long as both buyer and seller live. For the vision concerning the whole crowd will not be reversed. Because of their sins, not one of them will preserve their life. 14“?‘They have blown the trumpet, they have made all things ready, but no one will go into battle, for my wrath is on the whole crowd. 15Outside is the sword; inside are plague and famine. Those in the country will die by the sword; those in the city will be devoured by famine and plague. 16The fugitives who escape will flee to the mountains. Like doves of the valleys, they will all moan, each for their own sins. 17Every hand will go limp; every leg will be wet with urine. 18They will put on sackcloth and be clothed with terror. Every face will be covered with shame, and every head will be shaved. 19“?‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin. 20They took pride in their beautiful jewelry and used it to make their detestable idols. They made it into vile images; therefore I will make it a thing unclean for them. 21I will give their wealth as plunder to foreigners and as loot to the wicked of the earth, who will defile it. 22I will turn my face away from the people, and robbers will desecrate the place I treasure. They will enter it and will defile it.

The result of all this will be a wholesale return to the God of our Fathers.  False religions will fade away.  There will no hope except a return to the Lord.  "Come let us return to the Lord" will be the cry.

There will be no escape.  You won't be able to buy your way out of this.  The only thing that can save you are your relationships horizontally and vertically. God will be in our midst.  Jesus will be manifest.  The Holy Spirit filled saint will walk in authority. 

In the middle of all this will be a recognition of the hopeless worthless materialist things that costs so many everything, even their lives.

This is how people will face the pain, the difficulty. The key to overcoming is grasping an ancient yet now forgotten way of death and dying and the solid trust we can have in an everlasting Father.  Our modern culture no longer faces death with the power of the Holy Ghost and life lived for God.  We see our life and one thing and our purpose in God as another.  Yet, I can make this promise to you; You will not see death until your eternal purpose in the Father is complete.  If you have lost a child or a loved one prematurely, you might question that.  But it's true.. You are immortal in the flesh until....

The fear of death has created a culture that grasps at life above its value.  How did the martyrs of old face death?  Bravely, welcoming, fearlessly, with joy and hope. How did the ancients as they lay dying pronounce blessing to others and then were laid up with their fathers?  How do those who fight in wars are often killed for the cause they fight for and die with courage?  How did the Apostle Paul or Peter face the executioners?  They knew death was coming but with little fear.  They had a revelation of what happens at death. 

Facing the End .. Overcoming the FEAR of DEATH

Satan has caused many saints of God to allow the sting of death to return. He has deceived many into clinging to our mortal meat shells without Godly reason. Yes, we want to live, we can't do much for the Kingdom when we are dead, but we will all die. There is no escape. It is, was and always will be appointed unto man ONCE to die. There is a second death. It is the death of the lost. To the pagan, those lost for eternity, death does and should hold fear. I will not address those things that they fear. There is a way to enter into eternal life. It's visible at nearly every football game. I am more concerned with Christians who fear death needlessly. We need to know with confidence how that last breath happens and means.

What happens when we die? There is great confusion; it's the second time we go thru such radical change. Change is confusing. All change is perceived as loss. Birth was confusing. Darkness to light, Warmth to something new and colder. We cried out. We were confused in this transition. Uncertain. Death has the same effect. As we lie on our deathbed, sometimes we face this with fear, sometimes amazement, a metaphysical roller coaster ride. I understand that as Steve Jobs lay dying, just before he took his last breath, his eyes opened and he said, WOW!. I don't know what that means but I am sure WOW fits. Some withdraw further and further. Sleeping more and more. Recognizing the end and accepting it without struggle. Some do struggle right up till the end in fear. It's understandable.
Yet there is a way to understand death and overcome the fear, the sting, until we can say, “Oh Death where is your sting?”

Is there pain in death? Yes, momentarily. Particularly in a gruesome death. A gunshot, stabbing, bad car accident, execution, torture, a painful death by drowning, suffocation, heart attack or hanging.

Most people imagine they are going to die lying on a bed with friends and family surrounding them. That is not always the case. What of these more difficult unexpected situations of dying in pain. To deny pain is to deny the reality of death. There is however good news, pain is the last ditch effort our flesh fights with to keep us here.

Those who have gone thru this and come back say the pain was momentary, brief, intense and then erased from all memory. Like having a really bad tooth pulled. Pain for a moment and then no more pain. Mortality is not sloughed off easily. This flesh doesn't want to become an empty shell to be buried, burned or abandoned. It wants to hold on as long as it can. But like a teenager who becomes such a pain in the neck that a parent is glad when they leave, so too our flesh causes us more and more discomfort as we age until staying in it is no longer acceptable. It's very much the same syndrome and if we must learn to accept it as normal.

Not that there isn't regret and pain in separation from those we love. That's part of it too. Yet to the Christian, it is those loved ones left behind that suffer. Once death happens for the Believer all pain is gone, all memories that would cause grief dissipates. The sentiment is I'll see you soon. An eternal perspective offers that.

If we could grasp the temporary nature in dying we might not enter into it as full of trepidation as we do. Much of the heroics we commit ourselves to in the false hope that we might live forever in our bodies (or longer anyway) are vain attempts to postpone that which will take us all. It's not a sin. Doing battle with disease is part of life. Jesus (the great physician) healed the sick and raised the dead. Yet all died. It's that eventual reality that must be recognized as we step from time into eternity.

We come into a new reality as a believer who dies in Christ. No pain. No grief. No fear. In the next chapter I will tell you what happens right AFTER you die. And what it's really like on the other side of the veil that stands between time and eternity. Most people don't understand this. If we can.. it will change us forever and we will live in victory --fearless and purposed.

It IS Fathers intent for you to know this as he has downloaded this to many prophets who are speaking the same thing right now.  This is why I am so confident in sharing this at this time.

Facing the End - Entering Eternity Fearlessly

Imagine that you are one and then the other of the two thieves on the cross on either side of Jesus as they died.  One mocked him.  Bravado.  Anger.  Pain.  The other appealed to Jesus.  “Remember me” he said.  Jesus assures him thru his anguish, pain of scourging and beatings, pain of torture on a cross designed to make the dying as long and painful as possible.  All three were suffering. 

The mocking thief faced his final moments in terror.  Not knowing what would be next.  His last breath was a desperate attempt to forestall the moment of life's termination. 

On the other side was the thief that heard the word of the Lord; “TODAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE”.  His last breath was welcomed.  He knew that Jesus, the Creator of the universe opened heaven's welcome center for him.  Fear was gone.  He may have been in pain.. But he entered into eternity with hope.  That is Gods best for his children.  Fear of the sting of death is we will lay dying He says once more ... “TODAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME”.

So what happens to us right after we die? It's the moment after.  Time has now ceased.  We enter eternity. All pain is gone.  Our carcass is empty.  Body and soul are no longer one.   What do we see or experience? What is that moment like?

What we will face in Heaven

There are scriptural evidences and testimonies of a some who have witnessed these things to help us grasp what happens.  We can construct what it will be like using clues with Biblical support. 

The song we can only imagine, as wonderful as it is, comes short of the mark. We can and if we can grasp the vision, fear dissolves.

The moment the thief Jesus Promised died, all people who die in Christ, the moment you die here's what happens:

There is a shock into well being.  We suddenly feel indescribable peace.  Beyond all understanding.  It's overwhelms us.  We can hardly take it in.  Then there is the unimaginable beauty.  It is a manifestation of the fullness of Jesus beauty. Every color comes so alive that we can taste it.  In fact we will taste colors.  Music is everywhere.  All at once.  Remember this is eternity where everything is now.  So our experience in non linear.  It's all now.  Hard for those of us trapped in time to grasp, but to get a small glimpse of what that might be like, think back to a wonderful childhood memory.  A good one.  Think of it.  All the color, music, joy, fun, and love you felt. Now let that emotion come over you.  You see it not in linear fashion but as one good memory, all at once.  The parts you really enjoyed come back again and again.  That's a bad imitation of what eternity is like.  All at once, but able to be parceled out.  
I hear people ask what kind of music will I hear?  It will be your fullness of joy to experience... whatever fits your moment will be heard. For some hymns, for some chants, for some choruses, for some classical, for some a gospel song, or even a joyful rap.  It's your eternity and Father will speak to you in the context you understand.  You will grasp that it's all one.  Yet differentiable, yet we will not know of the differences others have.

You will have unspeakable joy.  No remembrances from earth that have contain any regret or pain... the pain you had in life will fit into your understanding and there will be no questions.  The Idea that you are going to ask questions of Jesus when you get there will be needless.  You will have full understanding of all.  You will know who you really are.  There will be no more self doubt.  How you fit into the whole while on earth will make perfect sense in a supernatural way.  That is why there is no recognized hierarchy in heaven.  One saint is as another.  Fullness and fitly joined together.  This sudden recognition of your place in the universe will take your breath away.

Your capacity for experience will multiply a thousand times or more.  You will experience heaven as if you had 5000 senses instead of 5.  Every color, every sound, every taste, everything you hear, everything you feel, and the fragrance... it will be amazing.  You will understand what a vapid colorless place life on earth was.  You won't regret it...but wish everyone could experience what you are experience.

You will live without confusion. No question. Your only desire will be to worship.  It will all be so clear.  Bowing in worship, raising hands.  Singing.  The Sea of Glass is a desire hidden in the hearts of men.  We want to be there.  Whatever we do will make all the heaven.  It will be automatic.  You will want to enter into who HE is so completely as to be lost in Him.  You were created for this.  The beauty of Jesus will be revealed again and again. It will be all one but eternal.  It will never be boring.  Love will be overwhelming. 

You will have a form.  A spirit form.  Yet you will look to others as you were remembered best.  Known as you were known. Recognized... yet it is your spirit that they see.. the rest is construct.  In fact you have only a spirit.  It's hard to explain, but you won't have arms, legs or a head as you know yourself, but to those who see you, you will look as you did to them.  I know that's hard to understand but think of a child who dies young.  Her daddy is 25 years old.  She will see him thus.  His brother who dies at 50 will remember him as about his age and his wife who follows him in death will see that man thru the eyes of love. His mother who bore him and died in childbirth will see him as a young boy.  They will all know him, but all in context and construct.  Its how people who die see grandparents and such waiting for them... as they knew them.

It will not seem an unfamiliar place to be explored.  You will already know all about it.  It will seem normal, someplace you already knew.  In a strange way, heaven was always in your heart. 
You have had glimpses of it.  This is why the idea of reincarnation keeps coming up in false religions.  There is a sense of going back, so people try to explain the origin of all life (JESUS saying let there be) as a reincarnation.  It's not.  But it is a type of returning... Remember, once there, all here is now.  To grasp this scripturally, you are already seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus...yet you are here.  In that way you return to heaven.

It is impossible to describe so those who have had a glimpse of Heaven are lost for words. 

One thing is certain, once you have been there and come back the fear of death, even the fear of the pain of death is gone.

People don't GO to heaven.  They enter heaven.  Heaven is infinite in proximity.  Right here. Right there.  Just there.  It is easier to think of it a long long away somehow out there, but it's here. Not on earth, well kind of.  More on that in the last post.

When people die they step from the cloak of time into the uncloaking of eternity.  We are locked in a box called time and enter into an unlimited vista called NOW..  Eternity. 

Facing the End.. Left Behind 

The hardest part for those still here after someone steps from time into eternity is the sense of being left behind (there is still pain in loss).  Once our loved ones step from time into eternity they are unaware of us.  They don't forget us, they know who we are, but they are not aware of us once they are in eternity.  They are not part of any cloud of witnesses.  They are oblivious to us after the point of death.  Think about what it would be like for them to be aware of our actions, reactions and rebellions.  They do not become angels. Not even Mary the Mother of Jesus. She is there, but she is not an angel.  I don't want to upset my Catholic friends but the apparitions of Mary are supernatural communications but not Mary.  People saw her because it was a form of communication.  Sometimes perhaps even demonic. Measurement of that must be made in the light of Scripture.  An Angel taking a form acceptable to us can be a way Father uses His messengers to communicate something he can't get done another way.  Look at all the times angel messengers were used and documented to communicate something. It's still happening.

Those people now in heaven don't see or sense us.  They are in glory.  BUT we can sense them.  They can't come to us, there are no ghosts.  We will only go to them.  They can't come to us.  David proclaimed that when his infant son died.  It's a truth we must grasp.

When someone who has lost a loved one says, "It feels like they are still here or I can feel or sense their presence" it's true.  They are just there.. just on the other side of the veil.  A very thin veil.

You can feel it. You sense them. Yet this is not so for them.  They wait for you.  They remember you in the completed tapestry that was their life in time.  But you are now frozen in their memory.  After they die, they don’t see you again.  You can talk, pray and cry out to them, but they are deaf to your cries.  Praying to saints is fruitless.  YET... of your loved ones gone - you can sense the love they had for you and bask in it... as they wait for you to come.  The veil between you and them is very thin and sometimes is breached for a moment.. you to them but not them to you.  They are in Glory and you are still here in the battle.  They are right there... just there, you can almost reach out and touch them on the other side of the veil.  Think of what the transfiguration was like for Moses?  Did he see to our side?

Jesus and all the angels have no problem moving from time into eternity and back again.  There is no confusion for them.  That's how Jesus ascending into heaven and returning seemed to break thru some veil.  I wonder how high it appeared Jesus was when he seemed to disappear?  Fifty feet, a hundred, a thousand?  It seemed as if he entered a cloud and then was gone.  In the same way he came back again.... in a cloud.  The veil appears like a cloud.  Not that it is a cloud.. it is the separation between time and eternity. 

Cloud is the only way someone seeing it can describe it.  It's a portal that opens and as angels step thru it looks like stepping into or out of a cloud.

Jesus appears often on earth. Has to many.  He sees us.  He is God.  Your uncle Art is not.  He is now like Jesus in bodily form in heaven, but not God. 

Angels are assigned messengers and with messages come from and return to heaven.  Your uncle Art will never be an angel.  Your uncle Art will be one who came into heaven a little higher than the angels yet never assigned to return to earth.  That's for other created beings. 

This is also how supernatural provision comes.  Remember the storeroom of heaven is just over there.  Just the other side of the veil.  Very close in proximity.  So when we look to heaven's provision we are able to receive as the veil is breached and those things stored up for us are delivered into our hands.  Sometimes it's manna.  Sometimes it's rain when you need it.  Sometimes it's deliverance.  Sometimes its protection.  Sometimes it's money in a fish.  Those things happen as heaven touches earth for a moment in answer to prayer.

One thing that becomes clear in heaven when the revelation comes of HIS greatness and majesty. The earth, the sun, the moon, the solar system, the galaxies, all the galaxies, all of creation suddenly fade into proper perspective in our sight of the Creator.  Will earth exist...?  Yes but in proper perspective. 
All of creation will roll up like a scroll into the proper relationship to her creator.  You won't be in awe of them any more, but in awe of the maker.  There will be very little to cause you to want to be other than in HIS presence... except that HE is everywhere.  If you decide you want to visit Jupiter or Mars (like the old song says) you can think it and be there.  You won't need air or a spaceship.  You won't --- not moving, you'll just be.

All the things you read and memorized from scripture will make sense.  There will be things you were taught or believed here on earth that will seem like nonsense. But that was then.  In eternity the silly things you thought will fall away as the TRUTH takes center stage.. I AM the TRUTH HE said.

Not everyone will make it to heaven.  Will you know if your loved ones are missing and grieve?  Probably not.  There are no tears in heaven.  No grief. No pain.  So from the moment you die till your loved ones appear at heaven's portal you will be unknowing.  It's not a sanitized experience; it's one that provides only for your fit into the whole.

These things are hard to explain.  The centrality of Jesus is what makes it all hold together (according to Scripture).  He will so overwhelm you with His glory you will not notice so many things that distract on earth.

You can live like this.  You can grasp your eternal nature now. 


There is much more to say, but like Paul the Apostle said,

“It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such a one I will boast; yet of myself I will not boast, except in my infirmities. For though I might desire to boast, I will not be a fool; for I will speak the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should think of me above what he sees me to be or hears from me” (2 Corinthians 12:1–6)

I won't tell you how I know all these things, you must measure them all by scripture.  They will prove to be true as they are.

Prophet Gene

What about end times:
 There is no rapture. Never was. The "Join Him in the AIR” is true.. but not as a rapture.

    Jesus is here. Always has been as he promised. He manifests but only for a brief time. He is as good as His word.... NEVER leaving or forsaking. He's here. We do not know how to recognize him. We are like the men on the road to Emmaus.

    The world is not about to end, it is however going to go thru times of great trouble, but that has been going on in history since time began. These tribulations are part of a great cycle. There is no Great Tribulation yet there will be tribulations.

    False religions will be shown up to be the beast and the beast will manifest himself as the persecutor of the faithful.

Jesus is hated by the devil and when he inspires demonized people to take control of a religious system it becomes demonic government. The current beast is Islam. No longer a religion it has now become a tool of satan to destroy the Kingdom of God. Of course in the face of great persecution comes great revival. When the devil comes in, LIKE A FLOOD God raises up a standard against him.
Don't fear persecution, don't embrace it either. Recognize it as part of the cycle. When Islam is destroyed and discredited, there will be another. The devil has no new strategies, that's why the writers of the Bible could talk with such certitude about such things. It did happen, people lost their heads for their profession of faith, they are losing them today around the world and will even more in the future.

Facing the END in Victory

There are “Biblical” ideas that have been presented that are not accurate. It's not just the eschatology, it is an understanding of the victory over sin and death that was fought and WON at the cross witnessed by an empty tomb over 2000 years ago.

Someday the world will indeed cease to exist as we knew it physically...yet it will never end. When Jesus is revealed (either upon our stepping from time into eternity or when the earth dissolves... as must happen eventually) we will see HIM as HE really is. The scroll will be rolled back and then the SON will shine brighter than the SUN. That is the revelation of HIM that we will all see together. It's not going to happen soon. Stop looking for it. There is no great showdown ending with the world ceasing to exist. The Kingdom of God is not going to stop advancing until the end of the WORLD... so enjoy the journey without fear.

How about the mark of the beast, the one world money system, the "no man can buy or sell except"? All happened and will happen again and then will not. In fact eventually all attempts to create a single currency fails (see Bitcoin). At one time all of the Roman Empire used a single currency. How about now? Attempts and failures over the centuries to control commerce by creating fiat currency has always ended in defeat. Its not to say the devil doesn't try it again and again, it's just destined to fail. In fact soon God's judgment will once again manifest to crush this vain attempt. This worldwide system will collapse.

What about the bowls of wrath, the vials, the hailstones, the four corners, the winds, the beast from the sea, the "hide me", the terrors of Revelation? They all happened right on schedule in AD 72. The religious system of the Beast Judaism and Government were crushed and destroyed. Since all things in the earth have been deep long term cycles and birth pangs, they happen again and again and again as the Kingdom advances.

Those who doubt God's capacity to bring judgment on evil don't own a newspaper, radio, TV or have access to Internet news. YET all these things are past, present and future... as the Kingdom increases. Don't read the news with an eye towards the end, or Jesus coming thru the clouds; He did, in the sight of the High Priest. And he will again, in a show of his GLORY as this beast system is once again put to dust, to shame.

Think of all the beast systems that are now properly filed in the dustbin of history. Baal, Greek, Roman and Norse god Worship (remember Zeus and Odin?), Egyptian gods of government now only exist in hieroglyphics, who knows what Stonehenge was all about, or the Mayan and Aztec gods who were sacrificed to of human flesh and in more modern times Japan, China, Nazi and certain African nations who considered their leaders gods or demi gods. Now all gone. Only Jesus remains. And at some point when Islam is exposed it too will die the death all false religion dies. As will Hindu and all other. Only Christ, the true and living God will survive the millennial. All others are judged.
Jesus spoke of certain times in Matthew 24. They all came to pass exactly as he predicted in 72AD. Yet we must also be aware of the cycles.... deep and long. Catastrophe has come and will come again so the warnings Jesus makes are still efficacious to heed. We ignore them as history at our own risk. They are History, but they ring true as the great cycles of humanity turn. We lurch from obscurity, to abundance, to bondage and then into catastrophe. It has been ever thus and the Books of Kings and Chronicles are there as a shadow of what we expect.

The lawless acts warned about to Timothy by Paul are true. Men do wax worse and worse....then the cycle turns, revival comes, repentance and GLORY shines. It will happen again. We are not far from a much greater revival (accompanied by greater persecution) than you can imagine.

I write all this not to convince you to change your thinking. That is a journey you must take for yourself. There are many great books and blogs to help you find the way. If however you persist in believing that somehow you will be spared by some escape in the future (rapture), you are about to be discouraged. You won't escape, you will be hidden, you can be in Goshen, you can live in the provision and protection of the Lord, but you will not escape unscathed. If you look at the long cycles of history, you will see it.

There are things taught wrongly in many circles that must be ignored.
There is something about the people Israel. There is much we don't grasp. Who they are and what they represent to God in his illogical covenant commitment to such a rebellious people. Those who are grafted in later (that would be you and me) are just as rebellious. If I were God I would have chosen a much more worthy race of folks, Germans perhaps. (OK that's a joke) In any case, ignoring what is happening with the covenanted people even in rebellion is intentional spiritual blindness. The very fact that they now speak the language Moses spoke and was spoken to at the burning bush and occupy the same land is not without prophetic meaning. This is a sign to those of us who are grafted in to have confidence in our God. They may lose the land, but the covenant will still be in place. He is not an indian giver God.

God's great advancing Kingdom is becoming greater. Have hope in God.

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