Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Word of the Lord for 2021

As this Word of the Lord is given, it is important that we consider the landscape of our lives today, after this past year, to prepare ourselves for the days of 2021.  We must do so with sober minds.  Things have changed a great deal, some for better, some for the worse.  In order to do battle in the spirit as soldiers of the cross, we must be well armed.  In that regard there are a number of things the Lord would have us know to equip us:


The world of 2021 is not fair.  It never has been. Our enemy has used lies and deception to keep us in chains. His evil intent is bold and therefore vulnerable.  He is exposed.  He no longer tries to camouflage his strategies.  Those with eyes to see and ears to hear can spot him.  The blind will not.  Some even as professing Christians are among the most deceived.

Fighting the good fight is not optional.  You were not placed here at this time, in this day, in the year 2021 to be passive.  Ke sera sera, (whatever will be will be) is a defeated mindset.  We are not here to be passive.  What you allow in to your heart will form what you will give out. 

The desperation of those living in fear has shown weakness of faith.  Much of that passivity comes from fear.  Fear of disease, fear of conflict, fear of poverty.  Those voices are uncovering those weak in faith who need a fresh word.  The Lord is calling you to gird up your loins and be bold.  Now is not the time to live in desperate fear.  You were not given that spirit by the Lord.

Our duty is to do battle for future generations

There enemies of our mind and damaging to our spirit are in full force.  They take the form of light bringers disguised as news and reports.  Many of these reports you think are enlightening are actually of the devil designed to put you on the defensive and in defeat.  They come as “Angels of Light” but in fact are snakes in your grass.

Lockdowns, new threats, governmental bullying and resultant changes to our life will be part of the year to come.  Complying is a choice we make.  Choose carefully on which hill you will fight. 

There will be attempts to impose restrictions that can and will be met with resistance.  Some will not be worth the battle.  Some will be those you might die for.  Save your power for those. 

Ignorance is our enemy

Be wary of the indoctrination of modern entertainment.  Music, Movies, TV are designed to discount the value of our Republic.  Hamilton, the recent stage musical, is an example of diminishing the wisdom of our founding fathers. It is only one.  There are legions.

The push by governments to encourage and even outlaw gasoline vehicles in the name of climate change, as is happening in Europe, Japan, China and some states is a tool of tyranny.  If they can track and restrict your mobility they can keep you subservient.  Your ability to only travel a couple hundred miles in effect places you in their control.  Even when there are more charging stations, there will be effective control.  No man buying or selling, or traveling. Be a late adapter to these systems.  The Mad Max movies show what the freedom of portable fuels can provide.  We are living in that day.

Are we losing the battle for the 7 mountains because the mountains resist change?  That may mean we aren’t fighting hard enough.  There is some progress being made, but the evil of the culture is like an octopus hanging on to every vestige of power.  Make decisions based on taking the mountains.  They are real, and we have to do better.  It is our purpose in Good Works to take them back.

We are in a war with enemies seen and unseen

The real news is that the news no longer is.  News we used to get was at once information.  It is now nearly 100% indoctrination and propaganda.  This is from every side of the political parties.  If you are foolish enough to believe news you see or read on the internet, they have succeeded in indoctrinating you.  You are being lied to.  Truth is very hard to find.  Be careful what you believe.  The battlefield is your heart and the weapon is information. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter control what you are allowed to see.  They do not have your best interest in mind. Moving to more forgiving platforms is what they WANT you to do. Move to an echo chamber of silo news is convincing no one of anything.  Stay in the fight.  You might be the one who helps people blinded by the fake news to see the truth. In every war, information and propaganda are tools implemented to control the populace.  We have seen this in 2020.  Resist the temptation to accept every lie that passes before you.  Even if it lines up with your confirmation bias.

Be careful of worldly prognostications in print or from the pulpit about what God is about to do.   God isn't about to DO anything. He already done all he is going to do.  The work is finished.  Jesus said so.  Do you believe Him? We are his hands and voice now.  Don't expect divine intervention, we are the divine Body of Christ now on earth.  Patterns exist for our understanding, not in preparation for some future event. If it’s to be it is up to ME and YOU.  We have the world we have because we allowed it.  The battle in the Heavenlies is fierce.  The victory is ours.. but we let the battle wear us down.  There is no upcoming event that will bail us out.  That is what the demons want us to believe.  The battle is the Lords but we are the Warriors. We must teach our hands to war.

There are lies, liars and false reports.  It is a battle for our mind and soul

The demon known as "form of Godliness" is rampant and growing. There is a concerted effort to keep our children from Godly influences like healthy books and movies and TV by replacing them with the demonic. It is a scheme we must understand.  Much of it happens in the public classroom, entertainment and music.  The same people who dance and sing in church at the top of their being are also making demonic decisions in what they allow and support. This is why we see so much degradation.  Some of this is driven by the woke culture that justifies evil because of “Systemic Racism”.  On the other hand others will allow the evil of White Supremacy in the name of “God” and bring that into the Church. That is the form of Godliness that is alive today.  The cultural revolution and secular religion worships science as God.  It has replaced the Holy One in many peoples eyes.  OF course there are other supplanters.. politicians, Musicians Entertainment.  The devil is always craving worship in whatever way he can find it.

Government and Politics have divided us.  It is the single biggest mountain that stands today.  Yet there are many that think that by prayer alone they can defeat it’s evil influence.  What we have is a kleptocracy for a government.  Our leaders are wholly inadequate for the day.  Our leaders are cynical. They treat us like pawns which until we mount up against them. We must set them down.  There is a deep state, it is not just democrat or republican. It is a web of unelected tyrants that is using lawfare to dominate the population.  Fight back.  If you are able, run for school board, run for city council.  Some will rise to greatness.  We need righteous voices to lead.

Don’t let the divisions among us cause us to lose focus on the Body of Christ’s mission on the earth.  Divide and conquer is how wild dogs cut out the weak ones and make the herd less powerful.  Much of what we see in the political arena is an open contest between equally evil choices. They make us choose the perceived lesser of evils and therefore divide us all.  Unity in these situations is impossible.

Victory is possible, but we must know we are in a war

In the early 1960s Khrushchev said he was going to bury us.  Russia is still an enemy of sorts but the real enemy is China.  The battle is no longer for Land and power; it is now won or lost on the economic front. We are no longer a world filled with various nations; we are a world filled with various economies.  These economies fight for dominance.  Land as was fought over in WWII is no longer the prize.  Economic domination is.  We are losing this fight because we don’t understand it.  The Chinese are winning because we have leaders in power who are puppets of the Chinese government.  Some at the very highest levels. We must recognize that China is NOT our friend.  It is an enemy.  They intend to dominate the whole world and at the present it looks as if they will. Russia will only decide to back and partner with the winner.  China already dominates many European countries.  Much of Africa is now an extension of China.  Some of South America is now under Chinese influence. We are at war with China, not a shooting war, yet.

There is a hope.. read on.



“Fear Not” is still the gateway to finding faith.  Faith and Fear cannot exist in the same space.  The fear many good Christians express means they are unwilling to face their fears with faith.  There are bad things that happened in 2020, some will continue to 2021 but fear will only immobilize the believer.  If you don’t believe in miracles you aren’t being realistic. Have Faith in God and the faith OF God.  Nothing happened in 2020 that shocked HIM.  It shouldn’t shock you either.  Stop the fear.

Degradation is wearing itself out

The exhaustion from the degradation means only improvement can result from this depth.  Thing have become so degraded in this time that many people think there is no turning around. There is a way out. A way up.  A way to goodness and righteousness.  Degradation of so many things and systems has reached a point where there is nowhere downward left to go. Our challenges are not done, they will change. They must.  You are the leaven of change for better.  You are the light the world needs.

A Golden Age is Coming

There is a Golden Age on the horizon. The devil can't stop the golden age to come.  God will take all we have known and there will be a golden age. It will be far better than you can imagine.  But you are PART of the solution to usher in this age.  Stand strong for goodness, mercy and righteousness.  Reject compromise.  Resist when you must.  Be who God created you to be.  You are the fitted stone of the unfolding golden age to come. 

Change of Hearts and Minds

The minds of men are being changed.. even among the ungodly.  Many have become weary with the path of darkness they see.  The goodness of men of good will is being displayed.  Acts of kindness. Acts that are demonstrating how a transformed heart brings light to the world. Finding our way out of the darkness means taking the path of light.  In HIM there is no darkness at all.  So when you encounter darkness.. choose light. He will show you the way.  It is more important than ever to believe the report that matters. There is only one.  The report of the Lord.   The strategy of indoctrination resulting in ignorance will be exposed in the year to come.

Death, where is your sting?

Much of the action during the past year has been trying to avoid death.  Faith or Fear, Productive or Protected are responses to death and disease.  So in trying to stay alive we have ceased to live.  God wants you to know, death is not the end.. it just means abandoning time.. for eternity.  Be bold and strong even in the face of death.  There have been times much darker than this and people emerged from them stronger.  Be one of those victors in life.. or death.

Faith and Hope will be enough

There will be difficult days.. yet the future belongs to those with hope and faith.  Faith is the Substance of those things made up of genuine hope.  If you have faith in the substance of the thing you hope for it MUST exist.  It is a spiritual law.  Faith is more than confession, it is conviction and confidence.  Faith is not saying out of your mouth what you don't believe in your heart.  Much bad theology has resulted from such.  Learn to have hope and then put your faith to create substance in the Hope.  Guard your Heart and Mind for in those two are the building blocks of life.

How the Enemy sees YOU

The enemy sees you as bacteria to be stopped or killed.  Look at China.  It sees Christians as a problem.  So the government tries to suppress it.  It doesn’t work.  The church of Jesus still grows.  It acts as an antibiotic in the culture.  The real bacteria is the form of godliness and atheism from a state controlled church.. be the antibiotic and stop the growth of evil.

Time Has Been Slowed Down

Time has changed for all of us.  2020 has distorted our perspective.  In this year Kobe Bryant was killed and Trump was impeached.  It seems like that was an eternity ago.  We must understand the value of time and perception.  It is the new reality that now exists.  There has been a shift.

Every Action has a Reaction

There will be a reaction to the time we are in.  There will be a rebound in many things that will looks in some ways like the days after the Spanish flu of 1918.  Think roaring twenties.  Think also of Puritanism that resulted in Prohibition and follow on gangsters of the 30s.  Those same spirits are there.  Be careful in the days to come.  There will be great change beginning at the end of 2021. 

There will be Suddenlies

Things will change quickly as the year moves on.  You will see the hand of God doing things in remarkable ways.  The suddenlies will become routine.  Watch for them in your life.  He will move men to pour into you and for circumstances as the angels do battle in the heavenlies on your behalf.  Expect good things.  They will be there.

Understanding this means you believe that Romans 8:28 is true for YOU



Very little of what was will ever go back to the “good old days”.  Our life has been changed (without your consent) forever.  YET.. we have the power to make a new and better future if we have a vision for all that can come as we walk out the days to come.  Longing for days of yore will make your heart sick.  They are gone forever.

Fortune is out there 

There will be huge fortunes made that fill in the blanks left by businesses and services no longer with us.  Restaurants and small businesses will find a new way.  Those ready and able to find a new path in this new world will become among the respected and prosperous of their generation.  The equal and opposite danger and opportunity is on full display today. This is a wealth transfer that the wise can take advantage of.

Bankruptcy of the heart will drive many to ask the eternal questions.  We have the answer, help them find it.  This hunger will cause some who tried to fill it with sex, politics, violence and hatred to discover reality.  Reality has a name.  JESUS.  We have the answer to their uncertainty and trepidation.  Share your hope.

Be careful WHO you listen too.  

We have leaders in the public who will try to lead from despondency and despair.  This comes because they are not equipped to offer hope.  It also makes many easier to control as they describe how bad things are and how only they can save you. We will need hope and promise in the one true God.  Look for hope as those you listen to as leaders speak.  Reject those who talk down to your potential.  Despair is the tool the devil uses to put people in bondage.  Beware of that scheme in 2021.  Minds are being poisoned every day.  Don’t be a victim.

Institutional Ignorance

There is a spirit of ignorance that comes from wokeness and book banning.  It is anti-intellectualism.  It is intentionally dumbing down our population and worse destroying our children.  Much of it comes from out public institutions. 2021 will not be better, but won't be worse.  Teachers unions are our enemy. There is still a long way to go and the result will be very different from what you think.  Speak out against ignorance.  The spirit of poverty and oppression lives there.

Things have Changed, some forever

Families have become used to being together.  This will continue. Much will be take out or delivery. Some will be at home cooking.  But this time is causing a shift.  Stay at home will persist.  Restaurants will slowly recover but not to prepandemic levels for years to come.

Work and education at home will persist thru 2021.  Schools will not change enough, but will have to. Teaching will slowly undergo needed changes. Zoom won’t matter as much as packaged curricula.  There will be mentoring, but only after the teaching. This will begin in 2021 but we are seeing a change, much of it welcome in education and work.  This also puts a demand on the home furnishing to accommodate such.  We are remodeling our lives.

Travel will NOT return to anything approaching normal in 2021.  This will put a great strain on an industry already hurting.  Cruises will all but be dormant.  Even with vaccination passes, travel is changed for at least 3 years. 

Governments will continue to suggest and even enforce behaviors that they claim have a potential for helping the spread of disease.  Social distancing is not going away soon.  Even after the ebb by late summer many will still wear face masks.  Habits of 2020 will die slowly.

Traditional gathering places will change.  Bars will thrive. Even though alcohol consumption has increased in the home during the last year, the need for human interaction will drive people to places like Bars, Nightclubs and Fitness Centers.  It will also drive people to return to Churches.  The need for human contact is significant.  It must be provided.  People are anxious to gather again. 

The economy will continue to grow, but then late 2021 will stumble.  The artificial stimulus will be withdrawn at some point and the result will be difficult.  Stocks will hold, but be tenuous. Be prepared.  

Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are going to increasingly part of the world to come.  How it will manifest is not yet determined. Great fortunes will be made…and lost as the value seeking goes on.

There will be results from the Pandemic on the health care sector.  It will be much better in the future. We know how to fast track a vaccine at Warp Speed.  We do telemedicine now.  If government doesn’t get in the way there will be great payoffs from this. 

For the Church at large this has been a refining period.  Many have stumbled and will not recover.  Many others will find new life in the Spirit together.   A genuine hunger not seen for decades now exists to see a supernatural manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit in the Body of Christ.  Are we ready?

Truth is being held above propaganda.  People in the year to come will desire real truth.  As such many evil things hidden to date will be revealed.  Sacred cows will be sacrificed.  Liars will be exposed. 

Justice will prevail

There will be recompense for those who have attempted from within to do us harm, particularly as a nation.  Near treason has been committed by some. The evil afoot will be exposed and those players will be treated to the proper retribution.  This is a war in the heavenlies.  Expect supernatural intervention by the angelic as things are revealed.   Those we thought we could rely on and trust will be exposed for who they really are.   The love of money and power is the root of this evil and will be dealt with, even at the highest levels.  A curse is on them.

As the year turns and as time has slowed, those things that matter now carry more weight.  What REALLY MATTERS?  What is really important? Little that seemed important a year ago matters much today.

Security is now measured in relationship and health, not money or wealth.  People are beginning to realize what is real.

People are more ready to find truth: spiritual, physical, emotional and relational.  What matters is being aware of who we are.  The questions people have asked for centuries are being reviewed in a new way.

These trends will usher in the Golden Age.  It will be remarkable.  Very different.  Less opulent.  More real.  Like the old rock and roll song we won’t be fooled again.  Corrupt practices will fade as they are exposed.  Instead of 3 channels and a controlling press, we now have a million independent reporters anxious to unveil the truth.  The internet made is possible. Hiding places are disappearing.

2021 will not be a better year, it will be a year of transition from where we have been for the last 10 months to where we are going 2 years from now.  A new kind of life.  Those who know how to fit into it will find great joy.  Those who live in the past will become bitter.  This word IS for YOU.  He is putting new streams in the desert of your heart:


Isaiah 43:15-21 NLT (Prophet Edit)


“I am the LORD, your Holy One,  Your Creator and King.

I am the LORD, who opened a way through the waters,

making a dry path through the sea.

I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses.

I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,

Their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.


“But forget all that—

it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.  For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?

I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.


The wild animals in the fields will thank me,  the jackals and owls, too,

for giving them water in the desert. Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.  I have made you for myself, and you will honor me before the whole world.”


He will do all this thru YOU as YOU carry out YOUR role in the Body of Christ. 

May the year to come be blessed and you be a blessing.














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