Monday, December 31, 2007

God's Word for 2008

In the last several years as the gift of a modern Prophet has manifested more and more I have published what I see and hear from God by the Spirit.

I stand by the accuracy and sometimes misses for the last several years. Unlike many prophets, I leave them in pubic for review and ridicule. To do less would be prophetic dishonesty. The modern prophet operates as encouragement and warning to the Body of Christ. Unlike ancient prophets the requirement for perfection is not part of the gift of the prophet today or the Prophetic ministry gift. As prophets of today, we see thru a glass darkly and see things that are types and shadows. We can only report what God is showing us. Your requirement is to judge it. If you don't understand New Testament prophetic ministry, I won't try to educate you here. I'm also uninterested in going into a theological discussion or debate about the gift and ministry of the Prophet with anyone. People who have experienced and operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit after receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit have no difficulty understanding and discerning this. If you haven't you will have a much harder time and my gift of the prophetic is to those who have ears to hear coupled with discernment.

Last year's prophetic word has been surprising in it's accuracy. There are areas that I take the blame for missing it because of my flesh or improperly interpreting what I see in the Spirit. God's gift is accurate and for me I am glad without repentance. Sometimes if there is error it's a lack of maturity in the gift as manifested in me or I see something that will happen but not in the timeframe. Some of the prophetic words from 3 or 4 years ago are now coming to pass. I am of the opinion that all prophecy is yea and amen but not always when. My goal is to be faithful to the gift He has placed in me. If God ever withdraws the gift from me I will gladly lay it down. That's only between the Father and Me.

What follows is God's word for 2008 exactly as I have received it and written it down:


(recorded first person, in the voice of God)


There is a widening gulf being created and in fact manifested by My Spirit separating those who are mine from those who are simply showing up for Sunday and seldom seek my Presence otherwise.

In the last several years I have already divided out from you a third of your people. Some were lost. Some were discouraged and left. Some have become occasional. Others are no longer in the fold; shepherds have lost track of them. I will bring them back by allowing much trouble in their lives. You shepherds will have another chance to lead them to the path of repentance and redemption.

There is a further third about to be divided out from those among your flock. This is a painful and seemingly negative thing you must endure. Do not see it as negative. You must separate yourself as a tribe and become holy unto me. I am changing the face of those who are called by My Name in this Generation. They will look like Jesus.

These that are being purged must be removed for revival to be released. They are holding back the move of My Spirit. Shepherds; hear My Words; allow those who are not hungry for revival and renewal to depart in peace, in fact encourage them to either return to their first love or leave. You can no longer afford them in your midst. They have become unholy Leaven in your midst.

I am purging my bride to make her spotless and without wrinkle. She will look very different from what you believe she would look like in your imagination or tradition.

Leaders of Churches and Ministries take heed, reliance on the old ways will lead to disappointment and failure I never intended you to experience. This purging will impact your finances if you continue to rely on the old ways. I will provide, but I will now do it in supernatural ways, provision will come from unexpected places. Even Five Fold Ministers will be purged who refuse to rely on those new ways of provision for the future.

Reliance on financial provision from worldly strategies as you always have you will find you short at years end. Old ways are not my ways in this new move. Behold I make all things new.

The Purging has already begun. You have seen it all around you and have wondered if is this an attack of the Devil. NO! This purging is of me. I am cutting out the infections, the cancers, the rot, the dead flesh, the proud flesh and the disfiguring growths that were not ever meant to be part of my bride. She will be perfect and holy formed in My image.

The essential in this new body is passion and purity. I will not tolerate in 2008 what I did in 2007. The bar is raised again.

This is NOT bad news. This is good news, what will result from this will be the fuel that will catch on fire from spark of my Spirit. It will be magnificent. Beyond what you can imagine. Worldly wisdom from others wrapped up in Christianeze will not be the way I will do this. Ignore those who would instruct and mislead you to say, "this is the way, walk in it". It is not the way. There is only one way. When the purging hits your house give thanks that I have chosen to purify you and yours.

When revival comes it will come to people held to a standard of holiness and passion unseen in most of my Church in the west.


I am bringing revelation to the body of Christ and to secular America of the evil embodied in Islam when the Demon controlling it is released as it has been. I am mobilizing those who call my name to action, and I am stirring even those who have not yet bowed the knee.

Like music and fashion black culture has been leading America for years. Now, the prophetic image of what has happened in Black Culture is about to happen in the rest of my Body unless those I call stand in the gap.

The black man is most under attack by the demon of Muslim Fanaticism. Young men are being stripped right out of my Church. Men I had my hand on for service in MY kingdom are being deceived and misled by the Demon spirit of Islam. The result is more black men are in the prisons of America than there are black men in all the colleges, universities and seminaries today. The greatness I had for these Men is lost as is the call I had on their lives is perverted by the delusion of Islam in the Prisons. This example is a wake up call to my People.

I will expose this demon for what it is and my call is on men and women who are called by my name to pray to move my hand according to My will. Call on me and I will answer.


My church in the west is now comprised of those who are old, a few passionate middle and many among the audacious young. The young are hungry for more of Me. They will go where they can find Me. The Torch of My fire must be passed. Leaders must see that the torch is passed with intention and preparation for those who take it.

The torch of my spirit will not rest only on the passionate middle leadership I have raised up in this time. It is too much for them alone. They are too few. My Church in the west has lost a whole generation of people missing from my Body. I will not allow that to happen again. The passing of this Torch is essential for revival and renewal to come. My Glory will be held back if not released by this act of intentional preparation and release.

My people as they passed thru the desert to the promised land, some chose not to enter in, there is a generation I have chosen to enter into this new spiritual promised land. It will be a generation sold out without remorse or restraint. This is not a judgment by age, but a judgment by commitment and passion.

The demand of my spirit on those who are preserved from the purging is to become guides and guards of the hearts of those young ones I have prepared for this new move.

I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, I will not be stopped. Those who are mine will come. It will be a move not of man but of my Spirit alone.

This will not look like anything you have ever seen before. Some will say, "this cannot be of God". This will be un-like anything you have ever seen before. "Behold I do a new thing".

There will be those who will attempt to prove that this renewal and revival is not of ME. They will distort my Word to prove this falsehood.

It will be said by them of this outpouring that "This is all wrong". They are deceived and their traditions "have made the Word of God of no effect as they trample the Blood of Jesus underfoot".

True deception is mocking God concerning His truth. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"

Trying to tell ME how to accomplish my ends in the earth Mocks God.

The revival, renewal and purging has already begin. The only option I offer for Spiritual Survival during this time of purging is found only in passion for the pure heart of Jesus.



In this part of the word of God for 2008 I will speak in the voice of the prophet rather than in the voice of God. What follows is what God has shown me in prayer about what is coming on the earth that he wants to warn and encourage his people through.

This is the year of passing the torch in government.

The election will be held in the fall of 2008. The promise of God this year is that he will put one up and another down. Promotion is of the Lord. Only those the Father chooses to place in authority will be placed there.

Many will be displaced from position in this. Some from death. Some from resignation. Some from scandal. The torch is passing. It is His doing.

The spiritual political landscape is changing. It will not be a total victory for either conservative or liberal issues. The 2006 election that many thought was a revolution has failed, there is no change at all. That will happen again. Politics will become more entangled with the issues of faith. What a person believes will become as important as what he or she proposes in policy.

Atheism that raised it's head, will lower it as quickly as it is shown to be wanting of any answers.

I have received no clear word of who or what will happen in the 2008 elections. That may be by design. Others have received the word, Brown Bag. What that means will yet be known.


There will be a rebellion in the culture against the invasion of privacy in this year. Cameras and other things accepted in the past will become unacceptable to many.

Gay marriage has run it's course. There will be no further encroachment this year.

Abortion will become exposed as a moneymaking scheme without a heart. It won't stop abortions but it will make the idea that abortionists are people doing good for others out for the lie it is. This evil is at the heart of the judgment of God on America.

Religious bigotry will increase in opposition against the Kingdom of God more than ever before. It will come from places you never thought it would ever come from. It will come not only from atheists and antichristians, but will come from secular nominal Christians. It will come against not only Christians but against the Jewish state as well. The divide between the Whore Church and the pure bride of Christ will intensify.

Moderate Muslims will speak out against radical elements in their religious expressions. It will be too late. Islam is a spirit that at it's core is imperialistic. It cannot coexist with other cultures and faiths.

More and more shame will be brought upon the pop culture and it's pop stars. Not by the church. But by people in media and entertainment. This is a cleansing that must be made.

Newspapers that have been falling in subscription will stabilize. That fall will slow and even stop in 2008. But, print media in magazines will fail in record numbers. Things predicted to change will not change the way experts said they will.

Unrestrained Internet pornography will become more and more invasive globally until a call will be made to control and restrain this plague on the peoples of the earth. That call will come from an unusual place. Not the church. Watch and see.


The housing bubble that many feared will wash through the economy with far less effect than anyone thought would be possible. That's God's mercy on us all.

2008 will in large part be considered a Good Year with economic optimism by the end of the year .

The dollar will rebound in 2008. Money will flow into the economy from export sales and investments in the USA of those who hold dollars.

There will be a retrenchment in the value of the stock markets, a correction but less than thought. And it won't last long.

Oil will not hold at the prices it which it is selling today. In real dollars oil will remain a bargain.

Commodity prices retreat in 2008 as the dollar rebounds. The combination of lower commodity prices and a higher dollar will make for positive economic conditions in the USA and around the world.

Interest rates will remain below the average of the last decade. Artificial credit influences will be a dampener of the magnitude of economic recovery.


Deep examination of the corporate bought and paid for government we have today will reveal the cancer that exists in high places today. Pray for the exposure to happen without partisan politics as part of the discussion. God is about to shine his light into this dark area. Banking organizations, oil companies, pharmaceutical companies will be exposed for the ungodly influence they have had. There has been an un-Godly effort to pervert justice in the land. The father is going to do some house cleaning in this area.


Many assumptions we have been led to believe are true regarding our health will continue to be overturned this year at an accelerated pace. When you hear of these things you will know this is a freedom making truth.

There are health breakthroughs coming in the areas of

  • Alzheimer's
  • Aids
  • Diabetes
  • Cancers
  • MS
  • and some others.

There has been much seed sown in divine strategies for health that will begin to be harvested in this generation.

The number 8 is the number for new beginnings. Completion came in 2007, those seeds will come to maturity in 2008.

In 2008 nationalized health care will once again prove to have no future in the USA.


As ethanol loses it's luster, other forms of energy not yet imagined or practical will be unveiled.

I have seen a vision of 3 that are on the horizon:

  • New Direct Solar Conversion Technologies
  • Energy from Sea Water
  • Aerobic Conversion of Cellulose by biological reduction

Others will begin to fall into disuse and disrepute as these better technologies are revealed.

There is ONE breakthrough coming in 2008 that will cause us to look back on 2008 in amazement in this area.

Oil extraction technologies will become more and more effective in 2008 – increasing available oil globally to grow to new available levels. Peak oil will once again prove to be a theory of peak easy oil.


Iraq, by the end of 2008 the warfare in Iraq will have so effectively completed the mission that the next President will be able to bring large numbers of troops home to much applause.

The naysayers about the war will have been silenced.

Al Quieda will slink further off into the caves of Northern Pakistan and leave Iraq. Suicide Bombers, rather than being celebrated, will become an affront to the Iraqi people, both Sunni and Shia. Opposition to this evil will become a unifying force for Iraq.

The new American President will quickly recognized the necessity of keeping American bases in Iraq. America will accept this reality as they did in Japan and Germany. Iraq will become a force for good in time. The USA will maintain permanent bases in Iraq for years to come. It will be a keystone for stability in the whole middle east and welcomed by those in the Middle East.

Once again it will be recognized that the sacrifice and blood of patriots have purchased precious freedom in America. That this war has been and will be a prophetic big bang that those waging and supporting it had no idea it would have.

Turkish incursions into Kurdish Iraq will become troubling. Kurdistan is home of the ancient Medes who still live there. The USA will have a showdown with Turkey over this and Turkey will back down.

Syria will warm up to the USA as the USA takes it's place. Iran's internal forces for regime change will develop a stronger voice and gather influence.

Messianic Jewish Believers will take their recognized place of influence in Israel. This will eventually lead to national leadership, but not in 2008.

Russia's Putin will reach further to build alliances with marginal powers in the world to create distinctives between Russia and the Western World. As the USA goes thru the process of electing a new President, Putin will use this time of uncertainty to solidify his position of power without objection from the USA or the rest of the west.

Europe; with Turkey unstable, the Balkans a renewed stirring powder keg, the emerging Islamic Threat within the European population and a meaner Russian Bear next door most of Europe will do what France and England have already done; Recognize that friendship with the USA and in a way with Canada has benefits.

Great Britain and continental Europe will renew an alliance that seemed to be damaged in the past. The radical left in Europe that tried to destroy that alliance will fall silent as the threats are revealed.

Africa will blossom in some places and dry up in others politically and geographically. Some countries on the continent will become beacons of hope. Others will fall into deeper destruction. It will become more apparent that the solutions needed are spiritual in nature and help must come from inside the countries themselves. The struggle for the soul of Africa has just begun and will become more graphic and intense. Only prayer will save them.

China will continue it's headlong rush into modernity. So will India. There is no reversal. It's economic power is providing a chance for China to become more democratic and capitalistic. While there are many benefits to this, the deficits of unbridled capitalism will become apparent. India and China will show the world a better way. The west will do well to learn the lessons they will teach.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are locked in an epic struggle for survival but in different ways. The issues are different, but the outcomes are the same. Who will control these two countries? The struggle against fundamentalist Islam will be most in this arena for 2008. In the end, the demon of Islam will lose, but not without a fight.

Musharrif and his party will stay in power in Pakistan. There is no one to fill the vacuum in his absence. The assassination of Bhutto seals this. The USA has made an uncomfortable entangling alliance. The outcome of this rests in the hands of the next President.

The episodes of terror and murder around the world are manifestations of the demon present in Islam at it's worst. The bankruptcy of Islam will be revealed by these demonstrations of unbridled evil. What Iraq has learned, what Iran is learning and other middle east countries are watching is that Islam is revealed as a satanic influenced political system shrouded in clerical robes.


Drought is a judgment of God. It always was and always will be. It's not that God is using Drought to punish but to bring people to himself.

In fact, the weather on the earth as it intensifies and puts fear in people's hearts will have the effect of drawing people to the end of themselves. The rain, cold, drought, heat, snow, wind, hurricane, tornadoes, glaciers forming and deforming, increases and decreases in snow pack. God is calling people to himself. He uses natural events to do so.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase. The normal we once enjoyed is no longer normal. God's normal is new and it demands our dependence on him and not on our own philosophies and devices. These are birth pangs of a new age of God's Glory being poured out on all flesh.


2008 will be a painful difficult year for many. I do not see a direct attack from our enemies in 2008.

I see a joining together of the people of God as he Does what he has said he will do. Denominational separation will decrease as passion for Jesus increases. People will develop clear minds as they focused on Jesus.

The torch must be passed, that is the mandate of God. In some cases he will have to rip it out of people's hands. This will either be a new awaking or a rude awaking. The decision is ours.

The generation of Disciples picking up the torch are better prepared spiritually than any of the generations that preceded them. We of the torch passing generations must impart what we possess and encourage those who bear the fire of God in their hands and in their hearts to become firestarters across the nation.

It's a new day - for the Mouth of the Lord has spoken it.