2012 - A Year of Deferred Hope That Can Make Some Hearts Sick
YET in all this those who persevere to the end are the victors
Delay is not denial, it’s just delay delay delay - but not denial
People need hope. There will be hope displayed, but not as we think it will come. Hope can only be rooted in trust .. and there is less trust in man than there was in 2011 - The Crushing has begun. False Idols with Clay Feet are being crushed by the Rock of Truth.
The issues of our hearts will be exposed by our actions and reactions to the changes to come.
This will bring a new prosperity for those who see that this is the opportunity of a lifetime. This will be the best of worst of time - for others
Prosperity will come for a season. It will be the time to store up against that day to come. Do not be foolish as the harvest comes into the hold.
As we move into God’s protection He is gracing his people with Provision in accord with their generosity towards others. The issues of our hearts are revealed.
The angels of God are responding to acts and words of faith - without which it is impossible to please Him.
They are opening the way, protecting the saint, bringing provision and ministering to every need. Angelic hosts stand ready to act in accordance with the confession of our mouth, if it’s of faith they move in power, if it’s in doubt they stand and wait. The angels of God cannot respond to doubt and unbelief. The demonic realm will move quickly to reinforce your doubts. There is no in between, there is no balance in the things of faith. There is either unrestrained Faith in the Mighty God or Unbelief. There is no middle ground.
Prepare to hold the line, Prepare to advance. This is not the time to be passive. The war is on and you are in it, you are a soldier in the battle, the conscription came when you were sealed with the Mark of the Holy Spirit. It is your uniform in battle. There are no pacifists in this warfare, only enemy or friendly combatants or casualties. The call to battle is sounding clearly. Mount up. Be brave, for the Lord of the Angel Armies says, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”.
The enemy will not remain silent, he will use every lie to try to keep you on the sidelines. If he can get you to hold back, he believes he will be able to exercise his power over you.
The father of Lies, the enemy of your soul, will deceive with much more skill and sophistication in the year to come. This will be the year where discernment for the child of God must operate at a supernatural level. Truth has become the first casualty in the warfare that is upon us. It will become a rare commodity. If you buy a lie it will put you in chains. Truth will be there, but it will come in unusual ways. You must not put your trust in man, in media, in politicians, in money…they carry a curse on them that will strangle and even kill you if given the chance. New forms of truth telling will emerge. Look for them.
God is in the process of cleaning up and cleaning out the influences that are evil influences on the earth. The deceived and deceivers are being shut down. God hates a lie and will show it by his power.
In seeking for the word on the economy I received a vision of a slow moving train coming down a track onto a bridge that is being built as the train moves forward. There is a safe destination on the other side of the gorge it is striving to reach. IF the builder fails the train will fall to destruction. Eventually if the weight of the train becomes too great the bridge cannot support it and it will fall. There must come a reset, a time for things to stop, a time for the train to stop moving ahead. While this stall takes place it provides time for the builders to construct proper bridge underpinnings to allow the train to get to the other side. That reset is coming.
There is an upbeat mentality right now, that will continue. People are earning more than they were a year ago. People are working. People are getting their personal economic houses in order. New open door opportunities in an atmosphere of yet great risk are everywhere to be accessed. For those with supernatural vision the opportunities will be windows of blessing without containment.
Inflation will continue to accelerate as nations attempt to monetize debt, but it will not hold…the bubble will burst.
THE WORLD ECONOMY must go thru this recovery. It will mean long spells of convalescences. Painful re-directions. Painful cuttings away. Painful reconstructions.
The will mean an overturning of rulers. City state national global
There is a loss of faith that the old broom can sweep clean any more. The world will demand another new broom. The last new broom is broken. This has ever been so and it is vanity. Ecclesiastes 4:13-16
Violence and riot will persist, but weaker. Reality is taking hold. The lies will be revealed. The fascist, antichrist, anti-Semitic roots of the rioters will be revealed. Their real motivations will be discovered and they will fall out of favor.
2012 good start then stumbles in June:
- Sideways and down
- Starts and Fits
- 3 up 4 down
- 4 down 3 up
- 3 up 4 down
Metals will remain volatile but without real direction except in relationship to currency fluctuations.
Danger remains to those at ease in Zion
The danger is not from terrorists, that is a false flag to reduce our rights, the real threat is from a police state now forming in the USA. This is a demonic plot to legitimize actions that will be taken against the Body of Christ when persecution comes; if nothing changes.
The greater Danger is from insurgency, fascists, radicals and anarchists from within our borders
Dangers from national crisis
- Europe
- China
- NORWAY??? That’s a surprise to me
Will be better at the end of 2012:
- Venezuela
- Iraq
- Libya
Will be worse at the end of 2012:
- A Dividing Nigeria
- Egypt
Natural and Geophysical Changes for 2012
Weather calms globally - Less destructive than 2011
Mountains Moved - New Washings Away in South Africa
Huge wave - Indonesian Region
Ring of Fire Active - 180 degrees, new tectonics alive in the Americas.
International Political Manifestations 2012
Islam Stumbles - Confusion - Intensity - Disillusion - Disaffection
Footing and fleeting
Solid for a while and yet some flee when the pressure is too great
The giant stirs. Exercising new movements. Like a wounded animal. Yet the influence of Christians in the land invisibly restrains the hand that would harm
Unsteady future. Backlash against the reverse of freedoms. A second Russian revolution against the reviving oppressors.
Continent of Africa
A whole continent breaking up and breaking down.
The demonic influences ratchet up the pressure on the great body of Christ across the whole of the Continent. Martyrs everywhere. No peace.
Of African nations:
- One shall fail
- One shall Stumble
- One shall be overthrown
- One shall be broken apart
Mexico makes a seemingly positive turn and then…a serpent rises up
2012 Will be a Year of Discovery
Secret treasures in hidden places will be revealed Isaiah 45:3
Drugs and medicines that heretofore have been assumed to be safe and efficacious will be revealed to be a new danger. Statins. Antidepressants.
Faith in drugs as treatment will be reduced. Revelation of the corrupt combine of drug companies, Medical Professionals, Insurance companies and government will be revealed staining the reputation of all shaking faith in the system.
The landscape of energy production around the world will change much in 2012. Nations that till now have been prime producers will find themselves increasingly marginalized by new and substantial discoveries. New discoveries in Northern Africa, In South America (Argentina) and the Russian Territory of Kamchatka will cause the landscape to begin to shift. The geo politics of restricting oil flow by a cartel to capture revenues will have backfired as the pressure of high prices causes extraordinary exploration… Secret Treasures in hidden places
As populations in western countries are aging, new levels of positive engagement will be discovered. People working longer. People forming new relationships. People finding better health. New discoveries that will cause many to do better than they were. A discovery of disturbing mental changes that can be ameliorated without drastic treatments will create peace of mind for many.
A New Discovery in Antarctica reveals something unexpected - Changes orthodox thinking dramatically.
These and other revelations will seem to have little impact at the start, but the resultant developments will have long lasting powerful influence for good.
The Church
There will be tremendous new pressures on organized religion. Many will fall away because of it. Many will find the peer pressure too great. It will be easier to be unaffiliated.
Yet in the year to come those who hold fast will find new levels of unity, new levels of victory, new avenues of outreach, new life, new anointing and new joy.
The old way will quickly pass away. The new will come. It will change much and will cause many to not recognize what is happening. This change will be considered loss…but it is in the purposes of God is about to sort wheat from chaff by the wind of His Spirit; and his winnowing fork is already in His hand. Luke 3:17
The deaths of ministries and congregations will lead to vigorous new fellowships and relationships in the Body of Christ never before imagined. New methods of ministry, taking advantage of new technologies will push aside many of prior centuries assumptions and operations.
The decline in the Denominational Body of Christ as we have known it in the west that will accelerate. There will be many fewer churches in that mode at the end of 2012 than at the beginning. There will be more informal fellowships. Pulpit ministry is going thru a transition that will not reverse. The body of Christ must now do less better. This will result in a dynamic new revival and move of God, but it will not fit the patterns of the past.
These changes will not only be driven by the young, but by those of many years. It will shock the established churches. The result for those who get on board with the move of God in this area will reap a great harvest of souls. For those unwilling to find what God is doing and work with Him will become discouraged.
The year to come will cause many people formerly hostile to the Gospel to reconsider the claims of Christ and come to redemption. This will happen as those who once were in the House of God become offended and walk away. The wind of the Spirit is separating wheat from chaff.
Breakthroughs will reveal the Sheep and Goats - Visible Separations. The pure Bride emerges.
There will be fewer disgraced leaders than in 2011. The warning shot across the bow has worked…for now. More will come later. God is cleaning house. He loves his sheep above his shepherds.
Decline of traditional Media Ministries (TV and Radio) will happen as new ways of connection expand. An emergence of new voices…some that have been present but undiscovered. A new pure voice without guile finds national visibility in 2012. Watch.
The Pressure of the Global War on Christians Intensifies
Many fall away under the pressure.
Only the pure Bride Remains
The battle will be fierce
The enemies head is being crushed once again.
He roars, he thrashes about, he threatens, he claws, he bares his teeth…
He is doing whatever he can to intimidate the victorious
But he is under YOUR FEET and cannot harm you as long as you know your position in Christ (the anointed one and his anointing)
In the middle of the warfare…there will be extraordinary Revelation. The plans of the enemy will be revealed - Supernaturally to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
The Lord KNOWS who will win the elections in 2012 in the USA. I have been given a vision of the result of this cycle. Wisdom demands that I do not share what I have heard. There is no benefit to anyone by doing so. There is an example of such in scripture. Like the Shunemite woman in 2 Kings 4:23-26 ... “It will be all right.” or “everything is fine.” We must keep our eyes fixed on the mercy of God and HIS deliverance, then everything will be all right.
During the electoral cycle the constant accusations of racism and other hate filled words will pale in comparison to the situation that has come to pass.
About President Obama. I am concerned when I see him. Since he took office I have seen him in a death mask. There is a constant threat on his life. The primary threat comes from a radical and disappointed left wing fringe. When I saw the anger and riots this summer I knew that spirit was loose in the land.
At the beginning of 2011 I warned of a threat against the President. Later in the year (October) I warned that an attempt of assassination would occur in November. Just such an occurrence took place November 11 when Oscar Ortega-Hernandez opened fire with an AK-47 on the white house from a distance away. He fired at least 12 times. Several of those bullets hit the upper floors of the White House. The president was not home, so he was not in danger.
With the killing of Bin Laden, the murder of Kadaffi and several other leaders in the world with the endorsement of the USA and the President, there is a sowing and reaping dynamic that has me very concerned. Watch and Pray.
The Lord Speaks Regarding the Year to Come:
I will be a strong tower in the face of the enemies attempts to deceive and capture those called by my name. This is the time when my elect must have supernatural vigilance against deceptions and schemes of the evil one. Live in the Truth, reject the lies. The father of all lies is roaring and roaming about to capture whomever he can. Do not be deceived. Look for truth. It will not be easy to find. Lies come packaged as truth and are sweet to the ear.
The truth is not to be found in old systems, beliefs and traditions. It is not to be found in cultural norms. It must only be found in Me and My word. I release truth to keep you free. Every lie comes packaged as something you will want to believe in. It will come packaged as fairness, justice and mercy yet the lies will sting you if you believe them.
It will be false mercy, false justice and false fairness that will deceive even the very elect. The shame of these lies as they are revealed will be heaped upon those who had been so easily bewitched by them.
This deception is not unto death even though deception can cause death. This deception will lead to a loss of hope, an emptiness that comes when you feel a sense of betrayal. Death of your hope.
As My light shines brighter and brighter in dark places, the deeds of darkness will be revealed. Do not be shocked when those in high places are revealed as a deceiver. The prime method of the deceiver is accusation. Be careful not to accept every accusation of the enemy against anyone. Be vigilant when you hear the accusing tongue. It is a snare rooted in the fear of man.
The most secret well hidden deceptions will be rooted out and exposed by My Spirit.
This exposure is a manifestation of My love for My people even above the shepherds I have placed over them. The demands of truth will cause some of the shepherds to stumble and some even to fall.
There will be no hiding place. Many will see these things come to pass and proclaim it is My wrath. It is not wrath. It is judgment to bring into adjustment, to make the wrong things right. To bring your world into proper bearing. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Among My people, as these things take place, it will be like a deep breath of fresh air. It will be a relief. Grief will manifest as change comes but only for a short season, then joy will come in the morning. It will be a GREAT JOY.
The false altars and false gods erected in your life must be torn down. The high places that exalt themselves against the knowledge of ME must be burned up. They will be shamed and destroyed. The nations that roar against ME will go silent as I laugh at their vanity in my judgments. There will be no other Gods above Me.
There will be short term conflict and confusion. Wars, rumors of wars, warnings, setbacks, outbreaks and attacks. They will cause people to wonder at the signs. I will show MYSELF in these things and you will have no fear. The end is not yet.
I am establishing an order based on who I AM. Do not be deceived, I AM NOT MOCKED…NOT EVER.
Mockers and scoffers are coming to the end of their day and will find themselves bowing the knee in shame.
I am the God of love. That love is shown in correction that nudges you toward your best interests. Don’t despise my corrections. I know your beginning from your end. I will not harm you. I will bring you to MY expected end for you. You are immortal until you have fulfilled your purpose in Me. Trust Me. You are safe.
I have already seen your present pain played out to your victorious end. These birth pangs are revealing me at work in your WORLD.
Do not be deceived by any who say, LOOK, this is that, He is here, or there. As my kingdom expands, it will fill the whole earth thru My BODY which is YOU. You are part of everything I am doing on the earth. You are part of every prayer you pray. You are my doer of greater works.
Governmental authority from the Body of Christ will wield the sword of the Lord once again. Deception will be exposed and Demonic influences ousted in MY NAME.Find Hope … Find Joy … Find Rest … Find Peace in 2012