Friday, January 01, 2010

The Word of the Lord for 2010 - Prophet Gene

For the past several days I have been making special efforts to hear from God for the year to come. I have done this every year since 2004. Each year I become more bold in proclaiming what the Lord is saying. He is faithful to fulfill what He says. The word of the Lord is always true. I may not always hear it right or report it right, but HE is always true.

I submit these words with confidence in our God and with fear and trembling. When I look back over the words from the past several years I see a pattern. Sometimes it has been more WHAT than When. God's prophetic word seldom comes with a timetable. The word of the Lord is best offered in these times because the hearts of men are prone to hear the Word during time of transition.

I do know this, HIS Word is always true.

At the turn of the calender for the Jewish year to 5770 I gave a word of Prophecy for the year to come. Before I begin to publish the word of the Lord for 2010 in our Julian Calender, it might be good to review what the Lord was saying a few months ago. It's no less true now. The prophetic words to follow will be additional instruction.

If you review the word of the Lord for the past several years he has always dealt with me in areas, mountains as Lance Wallnau would call them. I prophesy over these contested realms.

This gives me and you a chance to understand that God's intention is to have the Kingdoms of the world to become the Kingdoms of our God.

Let the reader understand what the Spirit of God is saying.

The Economy
You hear in media that things will be OK. Things are recovering. Strained optimism is everywhere. They are nothing more than signs in the tea leaves. False hope is rebounding everywhere. Even those who are MY Prophets are saying things will be fine. That is true, but not for all people and not for a long time. What is things will be fine, when is the unrevealed.

People in power have done all they can do to stimulate the economy. I am God over the economy. I make one step up and another step down. The leaders do all they can do but it's a futile effort until My word is released in the earth.

The adjustment (Justice) that I began on Rosh Ha Shanna 2008-9 is not yet complete. The only thing supporting this economy is hope in government, hope in systems, hope in hope. Until Hope in ME is restored there is no hope. Only hopelessness.

The greed and excess that caused Baal to fall has not yet been removed from a system with evil as it's intention. This is more than just a floating higher balloon driven by so much hot air, this is an illusion. People have become prisoners of hope.

There will be one more drastic downturn soon. Efforts will be made to hold this off until after the political season. It will only make things worse. Corruption to be removed is at the heart of this judgment. Once this downturn is completed it will be a very long time until recovery can take place. Well into the decade to come. 2015.

Oil prices will soar, for a short time. Gold will go up in value for a very short time, housing will not recover for a very long time, Unemployment is going to stay very high. This will be a time for you to learn to TRUST in MY provision. For some it will be ravens by the Brook. For others a cruz of oil and a little meal.

Fear not. It's all part of an adjustment that must come. It will mean a currency devaluation that will stagger many. Wealth will be destroyed. It will mean that many will come to the end of themselves. True wealth will be found, and it's not in worldly systems.

It's time for truth and justice to be restored. The old systems have become a false God. It was essential that this idol come down.

I will have no other God's before ME. I stand above any man's market or economy. When I call a famine or prosperity I call for it and it will happen. Be certain, I will take away anything that tries to substitute itself for dependence on ME. Particularly those called by my name must repent of dependence on the world for their provision as if they have forgotten my name as Jehovah Jireh.

I am the Lord your God, there is no other.

Business and Industry
There will be tremendous opportunities in the year to come...and in the decade. Huge fortunes will be made. And lost. Some will be made in places and by methods that do not yet exist in the mind of man. I AM the author of secrets to great wealth, hidden treasures and witty inventions. These things kept hidden from the world for you to find. If I made it easy and open many would exploit them for their own benefit. I created these things not for the world, but for the righteous. The wealth is hidden (stored up) for the righteous. You will have to prepare. You will have to be vigilant. Creativity will be needed. And, keen sensitivity to the prompting of MY Spirit. Other deceiving and tempting economic spirits will come. They are NOT of me.

Your security will be found only in ME. I will provide. Your job is not going to be secure. Even one offered by government is empty for I shall destroy the idea of government jobs as security. Too many have substituted security found in other places for what was always meant to be found in me alone. You security will be found only in ME. Seek me and you will find Me. As you find me, you will find peace, joy, rest and LIFE.

Interest rates will rise. Money will tight by the world's standard. Difficulty will be amplified in the worlds system. Yet, as you stay steady in ME I will show myself strong to provide and deliver.

Don't fear. Don't believe all that the prophets of doom say nor all the court prophets tell you. This day is essential. And it will provide opportunity to those ready to take it.

In the last times like this, great and powerful businesses were born, launched and made many great worldly wealth. That time is now again. The world has no hope. It cannot succeed because the fathers of lies has convinced them they must fail. The father of lies is holding out a system that says in essence, trusting God is of no value, trust in government, the economy, self reliance, capitalism, socialism or any kind of godless ism. Do not believe them. Receive this lie and it will put you in chains.

There are clever business deceivers. Be aware. Be on guard. Even this year you will be approached by some. It will be appealing, but there will be a warning sign. Learn to hear the voice of Peace and Joy. Do nothing out of fear. Fear caused Peter to deny. Fear caused most of the disciples to hide. Fear will keep you from your destiny. You were created to reign, in business. In life.

Take your place. See yourself as ones who stands above the marketplace. Step into the anointing I have called you to. You will know it when it comes. I am here to reign thru you as My Kingdom comes.

Excessive trust in man's schemes to solve all problems thru government is the source of all kinds of evil. It will place unrighteous people in positions of power over you to which you were never meant to become submitted. Unrighteous power acquisition in government is a sin that permeates fallen man's governmental efforts.

You were never destined to be a democracy or to live under the heel of government. You were designed by ME, you were destined to be subject to a King. He is the one you long for. But you substitute seeking my Kingship in your life by seeking Governmental solutions. You substitute your longing for the true King of King and Lord of Lords by electing people and parties that ultimately will oppress you or mislead you. Your mixture of faith in ME and your faith in Government is a mixture I cannot stand. I will have no other Gods in your life. Therefore whatever you put up before me, I will tear down. I am about to tear down and expose the failures of government. To put them in the proper place in your life.

You have seen bubbles. Bubbles of Technology, Bubbles of Real Estate and Bubbles of the Markets in recent years. Each have fallen to earth. Trusting them has become a snare for many. It has been costly. Painful.

There is another bubble about to deflate. The bubble of government. I will not allow governments or people in power to take ME off the throne. I will have dominion even if they deny me. Certainly, for a short time, dominion may be denied, but You are my hands, my feet, my authority. Exercise it. Encourage righteous in a pure sense and help them but do not depend on them. Do not be disappointed when they fail. They most certainly will. Even the one after My own heart failed. All fall and all are short of the Glory I Possess.

Prepare for what will happen as government gods fall. It will appear to be disastrous, but it is be part of my plan for the Kingdom to come. Have no fear, I am kicking every artificial props that were of no real value to you. I am your all in all. ALL.

Believers and the Church
You have felt you were in a transition time, you are. This is a reset. Redo. Restart. What you once believed about the future has become a distant memory. Fear not. It's all of me. I am doing the new thing you have proclaimed for years.

Old things are indeed passing away. Your flesh longs for the familiar, the easy, the old. None of that can prosper as my Spirit renews the manifestation of the saints on the BODY.

This is a time when what seemed so new and fresh thirty years ago seems to have gone stale. Don't reach back to that time. It is yesterday. Some have even made an image of that time in their hearts. Graven. False. I will throw down those images.

I am jealous My Names Sake. You represent MY NAME on the earth. I will have a pure and spotless representation of ME. The false and wrong representations I will tear down. It represents something that comes between you and ME. She must be without wrinkles. She is NOT YET... but WILL BE. That will mean change. The Church WILL CHANGE. Many will disappear. Close down. True Shepherds will emerge. False hirelings will fall away. It is my plan of purity.

If you feel that everything you Thought you knew has been upended... it has. The waiting white field ready for harvest has not been harvested by the harvesters of the past. This will take a brand new harvester to accomplish.

As this comes, there will become the great divide between those who depend on the days of old and the traditions of man to bring in the great harvest and those who depend on the laborers called of me. This division is of me. False unity was never my intention for my body. She will not be schizophrenic.

I know the leaders I can depend on. I also know those trapped in the snare of Man Pleasing. I can not ever really use or trust a man trapped in that snare. The enemy of your souls will use every deception to keep you from me as a Body. Do not let it happen. Press into me.

You will need to trust me even more than you have, you will need to have even more faith than in the past. This is a season of knowing i am your source and sole provision. Anything other than faith in me alone will be empty. If you believe the world you will suffer again and again from dashed hopes and broken promises. Receive a lie and it will put you in chains.

Learn to hear my voice. I am Speaking. Listen. I will never ever leave or forsake you. Develop an awareness of My hand in your life. This is a time when I am reaching in and removing everything that is NOT of ME. Your heart will be revealed as pressures increase. That has always been my intention. A pure heart in you.

Return to ME and I will bind you up where I have wounded you. That's a promise for 2010.

Entertainment, Media, Sports
Pleasure and entertainment are not in and of themselves evil. I created them. The song. The dance. The Word spoken. The race of sports. Even relationships between a man and a woman are of me. Those things written and shown that magnify them in Glory are rooted from MY Spirit. All are sourced from me.

But, many have made pursuit of entertainment, media, movies and sports a god unto themselves. Sports have become a substitute for my word. Movies and Television are pipelines for lies about the world I created. Entertainment has become a diversion and even a perversion that keeps people from true intimacy with ME. Or even with each other.

I will tear down those things not of me. I have in the past used humiliation and accusation to destroy publicly those held in high esteem by the world. Even in the past year. The past month. No man can be god and the godlike attributions given to many great sports heroes has caused MY jealous judgment to be released.

I will judge and remove anything you hold above ME. There is much good that can be done for the Kingdom using media and sports. It is my intention to do that. I will not allow anything to stand that is dishonorable. I will honor those who honor ME.

Some were destined to take dominion in the arenas of Sports, Entertainment and Media to demonstrate the goodness of my mercy and kingship. If you are called to be that person MY anointing for you is there for the asking.

There is deception you will encounter. You might even begin to believe the things the world says about you. Don't believe them. If you receive the lie it will put you in chains. I made you. Every breath you take is of me. Only by my grace can you take another. Take your place and remember the God of your youth. I am HE.

The shift has begun. For a long time I have been exposing weakness and danger of empty education without understanding. Now that process is accelerating. The discredit of public education will increase. As the government bubble is deflated, so will the educational bubble be. It must be. This original admonition in training up a child was for developing skills to make a life and understand My word. Now it has become a method used of your enemy to indoctrinate the young in false religion and lies.

I will not allow this to stand. While it will not fall in this year, it will fall and when it does, mighty will be the fall of it. Many will mourn. But the Righteous will rejoice that once more TRUTH will be taught. Honor to those who should be honored. Dishonor to the dishonorable.

The schemes of the enemy hidden just below the surface in Educational systems will be exposed. I will use people to bring justice to the earth by establishing MY Kingdom, I must have them trained in the fear and admonition of ME.


Global Change
There is a global change underway. It's rapid. It will mean that in a generation much of what you thought would never change will be remade. In a moment. Like the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Persia will be restored. China will continue to prosper and China will be Mine. Korea must become ONE...the prayers of the Saints are heard at MY throne. Small fires of My Spirit will break out in Europe starting in England and in the former Eastern European countries. The conflicts with Islam will become greater, But fear not, Islam is failing....from within. It's a supernatural work. I am showing Myself to every one of them. Jesus is Truth, Islam is a lie.

Africa has a mighty destiny in me, but her time is not yet. Many hearts of many men wicked and must be made right before restoration can come. South America will rise. Brazil, Argentina, Chile and others will find new places of authority. My Kingdom has been established there and will be made manifest. Mexico is being weighed in the balance. American will play a necessary role in restoring the corrupted broken system to some basis in hope. It will look like unity, but it will be distinct.

There is a shift that is to come. Truth about the political and spiritual vacuum Will become evident and things will change. I am exposing hypocrisy and evil at every level. As people become more and more aware of Truth, more and more are set free. Freedom is not a movement, freedom is Truth. Many people thought freedom was political power. True freedom starts when the spirit in a man or woman is set alive by MY Spirit.

I AM. There is no God but Jehovah. That will become evident and every knee will bow. And it will cause Global Change.

Geophysical Change
The shakings and upheavals will continue. Don't be surprised by anything that happens. I am using them to bring people to Me. Pay little attention to the predictions of Man. When it comes to weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, floods and droughts never forget. I am the GOD of all things, even the weather.

I use the weather to humble the arrogant. I created all things and all things hold together in me. Do not call what I created for good, evil. Carbon Dioxide is not poison. It's part of my purpose in life.

I can change a nation in Moment. Sometimes I use events to accomplish my purposes. Five years ago I changed Indonesia. I will do what I will do. It's not anger, it's not always even judgement. It's creating a way for those who have lost sight of who I AM to discover ME. Watch for the fruit of what I am doing.

Things will intensify. Signs in the sky. A double full Moon in a single month is a sign. Change is coming and you will see it everywhere. Fear not. It has always been so. Have faith in Me. I am the God that heals you. Makes you whole and preserves you in the pestilence, flood and famine.

After three days, I will send healing rain. Sweet rain. Expect a rain (reign) of mercy. It's on the way.

Leader Changes
Many see changes that have just passed and wonder of the future. Your confidence must never be in any man. I provide leaders by My Spirit. I put one up and take another down. The torch is passed one generation to another.

Many will pass from the scene and there is little to remember them by in a hundred years. Some in a thousand and some forever. But, I ALONE am the eternal God. Remember ME.

The passing of spiritual leaders will continue. I am raising up others to take their place. They are prepared. If you are called on to lead, do so understanding the ones who went before were not perfect. They were human. If they said they were without sin they would have lived in self deception. I use the most flawed and broken to confound the wise. That's why I can use YOU.

There are political figures who seem to be permanent in our eyes who will pass from the scene. Their influence will be gone. I allowed them a time of rule to demonstrate truth in contrast of righteous and unrighteous government. Seek ME and I will remove the unrighteous from your necks.

I will call some of you to step into those places. Obedience will be better than sacrifice. If I call, your answer must be YES.

There is a darkness in leadership that will yet be exposed. It will cause many to become discouraged. Do not be so. Even Kings and Priests I used to accomplish my purposes on the earth were gravely flawed. It has always been so. As the darkness is exposed see it for a cleansing and a warning. It will cause leaders hearts to turn to ME.

Some who have been rejected by the world will arise. My destiny is on them. They will shock the world and the wisdom the world values by their sudden rise.

When departures happen, do not mourn, look to me. When new arrivals come on the scene, look for ME in their new position.

Many schemes designed to control you will fail. The potential of the enemy just outside your gate was to help you come to understand who I am as you seek to have victory.

I am King of Kings, Leader of Leaders, Lord of Lords. There is no one but ME. I use even the pagan and evil to blow a wind of warning by you. It is meant to help you cling to me in the storm.

A year from now you will look back and see how I have provided for you. You have been made whole in ME. The world will look different. Leaders will be different. Situations will have changed. It will be the whole new beginning and you will see clearly the task before you.

This is a year when you will begin to see clearly what is about to happen. I am giving you new instruction and new direction and new leadership.

They will help you hear the true voice...."this is the way, Walk Ye In It".


There is a primary tool the enemy uses to keep you in chains....Fear. Fear is a lie. You have nothing to fear except he who can destroy your eternal soul. Death is not a fearful thing. Those who have seen the waiting Glory never want to come back. When the fear and sting of death is conquered you will fear little else.

As the news, the talk shows, the Internet, friends, news articles, gossip and a hundred other influences propagate and perpetuate myths and fears, MY WORD TO YOU IS AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN....FEAR NOT! Have faith in GOD. Have the Faith OF GOD.

Perfect Love long ago cast fear out. You have to work hard to get fear back.

There are workers of terror on the earth. The Islamic fear machine uses fear to direct and control. Only courage born of ME will carry you thru as the fear efforts arise.

Much of what you see and hear is a tool of the enemy to provide you good reasons to be afraid. FEAR NOT.

Be aware. Be prepared. Be ready. Be confident in ME. There is no other one but ME. Be sure of that truth.

It is well to be concerned for the future, for your family, for your health, for your finances. All of them are common to all men. When I walked the earth, I wondered after these things just as you do. However, do not allow the storms to come to strike fear in your hearts. I AM MASTER OVER THE STORM.

Trust fully in ME and you will find all fear cast out by perfect love.

The Family Relationship
You will find yourself asking the question I asked... "who is my mother, who are my brothers and sisters". Family Relationships are formed in more than one way, some are of the flesh, some are of the Spirit.

Treasure them both. They matter. They are all of the Blood.

During this year family relationships will be tested, some broken then restored and ultimately strengthened. Have faith in ME.

A new healthy understanding of who you are in ME will result. Your position in ME will not change even when sometimes positionally you feel less or more in "Family". I change not.

As you keep your eyes on ME some of your relationships to others will heal and grow stronger. I am your Head. I want to show myself strong in your covenant relationships. Not just in marriage, even if that is a clear example of My Church and ME. But in ALL relationships. My intention is to do you good, to see you reach the greatness in your destiny, to help you become closer and closer to Me, and to develop wholeness in your relationships with one another and with ME.

Do not fear or be distressed when some family relationships seem to suffer because of who you have become. I will draw men to ME as you hold ME up in your life. You will NOT be drawn into who they are. One must increase, the other must decrease.

It will seem like division, split, even warfare sometimes. I will provide a safe place in relationships to bridge to the perfection I intend for you and yours.

Perfect LOVE casts out all kinds of fears. I am your perfection in relationship, I will NEVER leave you nor will I ever ever forsake you.

Word of the Lord for the Decade to Come
There will be more change in this decade then you ever imagined. Restoration of many things. Tearing down of others. Seeming disasters beyond understanding. Amazing miracles. Discoveries. Peace. War. Resolution. Birth. Death. Pain. Joy. Challenges to everything you believe. Then affirmation of that Faith you hold so dear. You will be refined as by fire.

And it has ever been thus. And will be. The end of 2010 will be the beginning of these things.

Remember this; I am the God that changes NOT. When someone says to you, everything has changed, I am the unchangeable one.

I am KING of Kings. You will understand that more as the years move. My Kingdom is coming to earth.

You will find peace. It's not external. It's in YOU. My Dominion starts in your heart. I must have reign there first. Then you can spread that reign to others around you.

Then My Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven.


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